We will proceed by testing some data preparation and curation features using MAXQDA, in order to cover a comprehensive number option. This step is important to allow users to manage their data accordingly inside the software, something that can be accomplished inside MAXQDA in a fast and rewarding way. Secondly, we will check the software main features and how it is internally organised. By document, we will see that a very broad group of items can be included in this category: text files, PDF documents and reports, spreadsheets, survey data, focus groups transcripts, bibliographic data, images, audio files, video files, web pages, etc. We will test the different ways through which documents may be collected and imported into the project file using standard file formats and assistant tools like the MAXApp. The departing point will consist of completing a list of data gathering activities, using examples from the more traditional research techniques towards the internet or digital orient methods. The main objective of the course is to prepare participants to implement software usage in their qualitative research projects. Throughout the course the participants will be introduced to basic and more advanced features. This practical course will consist of three different topics covering the main stages of the qualitative data research process.
Maxqda 12 serial number how to#
The learning curve is fast, therefore users can use MAXQDA as a tool for research, being able to focus on how to master and implement an extensive range of research methodologies instead of struggling learning intricate software procedures.

A software package like MAXQDA contains powerful tools to enhance efficient research data management and analysis using project files.